3 Reasons to Retire on the Coast

3 Reasons to Retire on the Coast

January 21, 2020

Categories: Lifestyle

Why Coastal Living is Perfect for Retirement

As you prepare for this new stage in life, take note of what’s important to you. Those planning for retirement are usually in search of a place to live that is beautiful, peaceful, and offers exciting opportunities to create a fulfilling life. 

The coast is an ideal place to retire thanks to the relaxing and pleasurable lifestyle it offers. Retirees are able to spend their later years cherishing life in ways they may not have previously had time to do.

If you’re looking for the perfect place to spend the rest of your life, continue reading our top 3 reasons why retiring on the coast is the best place to do so. 

1. Live a Healthy and Active Lifestyle

The biggest incentive to coastal living is the healthy and active lifestyle you can create for yourself. Living near the ocean has well-studied benefits for mental and physical health. Open spaces and natural beauty significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels, and coastal areas typically have an abundance of outdoor recreation, leisure, and sports opportunities to keep you healthy and active.  

2. Enjoy Sophisticated Living

Coastal living is one of the most desirable landscapes in real estate. Additionally, most seaside communities are well-developed areas with high-quality options when it comes to dining and entertainment

Living near the sea will provide unmatched access to some of the best seafood and world-class activities. Luxurious coastal retirement destinations may also offer professional-level golf courses, Member-only clubs, five-star spas, and so much more. You will have no difficulty finding excellent choices in however you wish to spend your time in retirement.

3. Embark on Adventure 

Retirement is the best time to be adventurous. Your time is now completely your own, and you’ll have the freedom to prioritize experiences you’ve always dreamed of doing. Whether you’ve always wanted to own a sailboat, or surf the ocean waves, the choice is completely up to you. Retiring in a coastal community will provide endless opportunities for thrilling adventure. 

Experience Coastal Retirement on Kiawah Island 

Kiawah Island is second to none. Many have said once you enter the Island, you’re overwhelmed with an indescribable feeling as if you’re in a different world. The Lowcountry charm and incredible amenities make the Island one of the best options if you’re looking to retire on the coast. 

Ways to Stay Active and Healthy on Kiawah Island

Locals can stay active by playing a round of golf on one of five world-class courses, enrolling in tennis lessons under a seasoned professional, or riding one of the many biking trails across the Island. Kiawah Island Club Members can also gain access to specialty dining, activities, and events throughout the year. Learn more about the Kiawah Island Club here.  

The fun doesn’t end there, though. You can also check out several resort-style swimming pools if you’re in the mood for a dip, or sign up for a fitness class if you’ve always wanted to try something unique like yoga on the beach. Whatever your preferred activity is, you’ll be able to enjoy all the Island has to offer. 

Ways to Enjoy Sophisticated Living on Kiawah Island

If sophisticated living is what you’re after, there’s no better place to retire on the coast than Kiawah. The Kiawah Island Golf Resort boasts several world-class amenities and dining options, including the Jasmine Porch for Southern classics and The Ocean Room for incredible steak with even better ocean views. 

Club Members also have access to a variety of dining options with world-renowned chefs. Voyseys and B-Liner are sure to deliver the most decadent meals the Island has to offer. At B-Liner, we suggest starting with the Seafood Tower and the B-Liner cocktail. Trust us, you won’t ever want any other seafood again.

Ways to Embark on Adventure on Kiawah Island

Living on the Island will allow you the freedom to be adventurous and try things you’ve never done before. Navigate your way through a marsh by kayak at sunset, or watch Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins up close in their natural habitat. With so many possibilities of adventure waiting for you, you will never regret retiring here.

Ways to Create a Rich Social Life on Kiawah Island

One of the biggest benefits of retiring on Kiawah Island is the wonderful community Island residents have created for themselves. The local community here is thriving and diverse, made up of interesting people from around the world. Residents can look forward to special events such as concerts or festivals, group excursions, and golf tournaments. Club Members, on the other hand, have access to exclusive events all throughout the year. As a local and Club Member, you’re bound to find an amazing network of people you’ll enjoy spending time with.

Choose Kiawah Island as your home to retire on the coast and live the highest-quality life. Come see for yourself why this coastal community has been awarded as one of the best islands in the country by Conde Nast. Our team of Sales Experts at Kiawah Island Real Estate would love to show you what life on Kiawah can look like. If you would like help finding your home on Kiawah, contact us by clicking the button below, or search our available listings here